Uncle Justin caught this rare footage of a”ghost” in the car at the scary cemetery near the church where we searched for bats! We tried to tell Uncle Justin that it was just a flashlight but he said, “Oh, no… there is rarely ever a scientific explanation for such things.”
After awakening from a deep dark sleep, we decided to go to an amusement park that day. We rode many rides. After the amusement park we went to hunt bats. In the event of hunting bats we had to go to the middle of nowhere. It was in an unethically immoral cemetery that scares little children, and big men. As we were walking through the cemetery we noticed that one candle was lit, and nobody was around. All of the sudden the dead started to rise from their dark graves. One grabbed Matt and knocked him out. Now that it was peaceful, we put him in the car – since he was still breathing. We figured it saved him from crying, so we didn’t wake him. The ghosts began to start haunting, so we all high-tailed it to the Camaro. After waking Matt up, we told him what happened. He didn’t believe us, so we brought him out and showed him. Then he believed us, and was terrified. Once again, we were low on gas. Luckily we made it alive. I am so horrified that I can’t write much on this subject though.
“Fun, Funner, Funical” Leave it to my grandson…I was totally unaware that you could conjugate a noun. I am a proud mother….er…grandmother.
This story reminds me of a night with you, Jorden, and you, Matt, in the upstairs of the old Hotel Northern one dark night. Remember that loud, deep sound…allegedly the sound of the resident ghost? I can’t remember…were those “manly screams?”
Sorry you’re so horrified that you can’t write more…love those details! ~~Gram